Fantastic new feature for JobKeeper employers who use MYOB
I really have to hand it to MYOB for this new feature in the JobKeeper Payments tab of the Payroll Reporting Centre
Located unassumingly on the right hand side of the screen is a brand new button called “View JobKeeper tier suggestions (PDF)”

One click will bring up a list of employees with checkboxes – you can select all, or specify those on JobKeeper.

MYOB will generate a report showing exactly how many hours were worked for each employee in the February & June periods as comparisons
and provide a suggestion on which tier level they fit into.
Even if you already know which tier your employee/s fall into – we recommend that you retain a copy of
this report in case of a JobKeeper audit by the ATO
Another cool function found in the payroll reporting centre is the “JobKeeper eligibility” tab.
Here you will find a Jobkeeper eligibility calculator, which allows you to enter your turnover & it will calculate if there has been a decrease (or increase) and by what percentage rate (which is another good item to have a record of, in case of audit)
If you don’t quite meet the requirements here for JobKeeper 2.0, but have extenuating circumstances, please have a chat with your account
manager to see if you fit into any of the alternate decline in turnover tests that have recently been released.
At this stage, we are unaware of any functionalities like this in Xero, but worth keeping an eye out for.
Please let us know your comments on either of these new features - and if you love it as much as I do !
Allison Gigl